Saturday, February 28, 2009

CoOkIe mOnStEr!!!

Being the sWeeT tOOth that I am I tried really hard not to give Kai any cookies or candy, only HeaLtHy fOoD, and I did a good job, until...GrAnDmA came to town and all my efforts went right out the window! The vErY fIrSt thing she did when we got home from the airport was give Kai a OrEo cOoKie. Kai was a little weary at first but after the first taste he was iN lOvE!!! Grandma had stolen Kai's heart with an oReO! That wasn't the only thing she stole that day... my hEaLtHy EaTeR has been replaced by a cOoKiE mOnStEr!!! Oh well, isn't that why we all loved our grandma's!?!


Riggs Familia said...

way cute!
glad your back!

Em and Ms said...

That is a grandma's job! And Oreos are a great way to start out. He's so cute! I love the picture.

Ashleigh said...

I know exactly what you mean. Claire used to be a healthy eater too, unil she went to grandmas and learned that she can get any snacks she wants. Thats what grannys are good for though. How old is elmer? He is so cute, and he is getting bigger. I am so glad you are back. i miss you too, and yes we did have some good times back in the day. Now I feel like an old fart!

Kelsey said...

He's such a cutie! Lovin' the chubbiness. Michael hasn't had an oreo cookie yet but I've spoiled him a bit. It's hard to say no now that he's always asking for what I'm eating by saying "pease?".

Barrientos Family said...

Jorge says he looks just like Elmer but a whole lot cutier! :) lol

Ashleigh said...

and when i said elmer, i meant kai. Sorry!